Coast region police commanders converge to find solution to flood crisis

Bura village five in Tana River County where the flooding has occurred. PHOTO: CHIDULU SAID.

Nairobi, KENYA: Most counties in the coast region continue to experience floods with Tana river being the worst hit to the extent of having internally displaced persons (IDP’s) and this has prompted further action from the region’s authorities.

Police Commanders from the Coast Region on Tuesday met at the police headquarters where they are being hosted by Regional police commander Noah Mwivanda to come up with solutions to the ongoing floods in the region.

“We want to see how we can be able to create early warning mechanisms so that we can be able to address these issues as they emerge because if citizens are aware that we shall be having floods then they can be able to move to higher grounds in good time.” Said the Regional Police Commander while addressing journalists at the headquarters.

The regions police boss went on to appeal to state and non-state actors to join the police to make sure that no life is lost during this time.

Following the floods around the country, 70 schools have been affected and have not opened 16 being secondary schools.

A few cases of children drowning have been reported hence the appeal to all parents to accompany their children to school and discourage swimming in dirty waters for fear of an outbreak of waterborne diseases.

Motorists have also been cautioned and asked to avoid driving in flood waters and night drives unless necessary.

Noah Mwivanda concluded his briefing by assuring residents of adequate security and said all members of criminal gangs that had surrendered and have since been released are still under police watch.

READ ALSO: Lamu kids miss school due to floods

