Drama as body of 80-year-old man buried 10 years ago in Kilifi exhumed


Kilifi, KENYA: A family in Bandari, Ganze,  Kilifi County has been forced to exhume the remains of an 80-year-old man who died a decade ago.

The family said Kaya traditions are the reasons behind the incident, as the family is being accused of not having followed some rituals before laying him to rest.

According to Daniel Kenga, a community member who witnessed the incident that happened on Monday said the family is believed to have overlooked Kaya traditions during burial.

He told Baraka FM that the family ought to have invited other Kaya elders to carry out special rituals that made sure he rest in peace, but that never happened.

“You see this man died at the age of about 80 years old, and he was a man associated with the Kaya,” Kenga told Baraka FM.

“On his burial ceremony, normally a certain special ritual has to be done to enable him to rest in peace, but the family never did that,” he added.

According to a family Member who sort anonymity, the dead man has been causing them a lot of problems.

He said the deceased has been “causing” incurable diseases which even the doctors could not address, mysterious loss of livestock among other abnormal happenings.

“He (Deceased) has caused us more harm than good over the period of ten years since his demise,” the family member said.

“We have been suffering from unknown diseases, mysterious loss of livestock, very bad dreams and many abnormal happenings within the family members,” he added.

After being exhumed, the remains are set to be reburied on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning, according to the Kaya traditions; thereafter a funeral ceremony will be carried out where slaughtering of animals will be done together with all the other required rituals.


