Public hospital clinical officers issue strike notice

A Kenyan health worker striking in December 2016.Health workers have accused the ministry of planning to kick out the director general throuh the health amendment bill PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Kenya union of clinical officers, have issued an ultimatum of 28 days to the national government to sign into agreement the return to work formula CBA agreed upon in November 2017.

Addressing members of the press in Nairobi on Wednesday, KUCO secretary general George Gibore wants the ministry of labour through cabinet secretary Ukur Yattan to conduct a conciliation within 28 days after which if unresolved,clinic officers across the country will proceed for strike without further notice.

Gibore argues that, the timeline for negotiations agreed upon by both parties then, were up to December 31st 2017 but in any case not later than 28th February 2018.

“The union has always attended all negotiation meetings and ensured quorum on its side but the government team has for almost half of the time fell short of quorum which has resulted in postponement of close to half of the scheduled meetings,” Said Gibore.

Gibore said in April 2018 the government negotiations indicated that they will not negotiate on the disputed clauses unless the union accepts their position,which has resulted in a Stalemate.

The union also believes that the government have employed tactics to frustrate the CBA negotiations process that has demoralized clinical officers.

” The national government has refused to sign our recognition agreement in contravention of our return to work formula. This has shown lack of good will from the government to an amicable finalization of the negotiations process,” He added.

Clinical officers strike will add up to yet another strike by the public universities lecturers who are now 40 days since its inception.

