Sossion warns of looming teachers’ strike


Nairobi, KENYA: Kenya National Union of Teachers has threatened to call teachers to go on strike over what it terms as unfriendly terms of service to teachers by the Teachers Service Commission.

In a media briefing in Nairobi, the KNUT sec general Wilson Sossion said that terms imposed by the TSC which includes, performance appraisals system and delocalization of teachers program are not fit in the Kenyan education system.

Sossion said the delocalization program violates the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Bank and International Labour organization practices and norms.

“A teacher who feels disrespected or mistreated easily gets frustrated and is likely to deliver dismally,”Sossion said.

“Teachers, therefore, should not be intimidated despised or even forced to work in an environment they are not prepared to.”He added

The union faulted TSC for imposing performance contracting services which it argues that it will demoralize teachers thus affect the ultimate performance of children.

Sossion also faulted the commission for failing to improve monetary terms of 30,000 teachers who have been awarded promotions.

He accused the commission of failing to appear in a meeting scheduled by the Ministry of LaboUr to iron out outstanding issues.

He has called on to the ministry of labour to give the union certificate of disagreement between the the union and the commission to permit them to take action against the commission which entails industrial action.

The union demanded that the commission must drop the said terms of service forthwith or else the union calls for industrial action.

“Then if they are not cooperating then we shall have no option but to invoke section 76 of Labour relations act and deal with Teachers Service Commission.

