Journalists barred from covering parliament Security Committee session on cyber crimes

Parliament building in Nairobi. Two Mps allied to the deputy president have claimed that their lives are in danger PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: The Committee on Security and National Administration barred journalists from covering the session with DCI boss George Kinoti on the allegations on Cyber Crimes committed against the Murang’a County MP Sabina Chege and other MPs.

The DCI boss told the committee there’s a special relationship between the suspect and the complainant.

The DCI boss told the MPs that the matter is before the court and would be prejudicial prompting the Committee Chair Paul Koinange to rule the issue should not be covered by the media.

The Murang’a County MP has raised complaints of extortion ring by a cabal of unscrupulous individuals online who siphon money from unsuspecting MPs and state officials using the name of the MP in the pretext of dire medical need.

The MPs have summoned the DCI over the obscene material sent to their phones by a certain individual.

