Ganze MP threatens to kick out mining investors in the area

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire . photo:file

Kilifi, KENYA: Ganze Member of Parliament Teddy Mwambire has threatened to kick out some of the mining investors in the area followIng an outcry by the community that investors have been destroying the environment.

Speaking on Wednesday at Mwangea Secondary School, Mwambire said many of the mining companies have breached the law of mining deliberately for their own interests at the expense of the community.

“I think the law is very clear on the guidelines, rules and regulations of starting and running a mining company, but these companies have been going the opposite deliberately,” Mwambire said.

“For example in Jaribuni only there are more than twenty mining companies but no child has been assisted with school fees, the only assistance the community is getting from these companies is dust that is causing them diseases,” he said.

He accused the companies of taking the products to Lamu Port construction without the locals benefiting from them.

The legislator added that he will summon all the companies’ leadership to sit down and discuss the whole scenario in a nutshell to ensure both parties benefit.

“These companies have traded their products to the Lapset project in Lamu County, but have never seen the need for them to assist the community at all,” said Mwambire.

“I want to tell them that they must adhere to the law and the requirements of the community, and if they don’t I will ensure they are out of this area. We will not accept to be played around with,” he said.

Ganze has in the recent past been in the spotlight after several reports of companies destroying the environment have been on the increase.

In Jaribuni, the community has ever been crying foul over the cutting down of trees in the area.

This is said to have contributed much to climate change thus affecting the community as rainfall levels have been going down leading to hunger.

However, Kilifi County CEC in charge of Environment and Forestry Mwachitu Kiringi has vowed to deal with the issue amicably.

