Security officers in Lamu foil suspected Alshabaab attack

A police escort vehicle that ran over an IED in Lamu .photo//;file

Lamu,KENYA:Security agencies conducting the security operation Linda Boni in Lamu have foiled an attempted IED attack and possible ambush by suspected Alshabaab militants on their convoy at the Hulugho-Galmagalla road just metres from the Kenya-Somalia border.

The incident took place on Tuesday morning.

Speaking to the Baraka FM,Assistant Inspector-General and Police Commander in the Operation Douglas Kirocho said two units comprising of the KDF and RBPU officers were on their usual patrol when they spotted suspicious marks along the road which led to the recovery of an IED believed to have been targeting the convoy.

“The officers immediately secured the area and recovered an Improvised Explosive Devise (IED). They were able to safely detonate it in a controlled explosion several kilometers from Galmagalla. The IED was targeted at the multi-agency forces operating in the area,” said Kirocho.

The KDF spokesperson David Obonyo also confirmed the incident and said security had been intensified in all operation areas and beyond.

Obonyo said more security patrols had been launched in all the Northern Kenya counties and the border points especially after the Al-Shabaab incident on December 30, 2017 where the terrorists attacked Ijara Police Station and made away with a police Land Cruiser vehicle and destroyed a Safaricom Communication mast.

He appealed for continued cooperation from members of the public in order to make the war on Al Shabaab a success.

“Its true the officers thwarted an attack by the terrorists.Operations have so far been intensified against the terrorists,”said Obonyo.

Obonyo lauded security officers conducting the Linda Boni operation for their efforts and dedication in ridding Lamu,Garissa and Tana River counties of Al Shabaab.

“In recent days, we have witnessed a reduction in the number of terrorist attacks in Lamu and other areas. We no longer have frequent attacks in Nyongoro, Milihoi and other areas. That’s indication enough that the Linda Boni Operation is working,” said Obonyo.

