KICD defends pilot process of new curriculum program

KICD director Dr. Julius Jwan. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Kenya Institute of Curriculum development chair Sarah Ruto and his director Dr. Julius Jwan have vehemently defended the piloting exercise of the new curriculum being undertaken across the country.

Speaking when they appeared before National Assembly education committee on Tuesday, Dr. Jwan defended the exercise which touches on standard one and two respectively.

Initially, the committee members argued as to why the institute is undertaking the piloting across the country instead of a given part before it is actualized and what will transpire in the event it flops.

Dr. Jwan indicated that the take-off of the program countrywide is done meticulously and any hitch cases will be ironed out.

“If the pilot fails incidentally in curriculum,unlike in academic research we don’t do pilot that if it fails, we go back, if we do a pilot program in curriculum it means you have gone several stages, actually we have even confirmed that the curriculum is good enough but you still give yourself room for improvement .so we are not doing a pilot that it fails we stop and we go back .”Dr. Jwan said.

He urged parents to desist from buying books indicating that schools have been allocated money for the program, warning that schools must adhere to such policy without fail.

“Parents should not buy books because you members of parliament have allocated money for that, and this money has been taken to schools,” Juan said

“Why are the books not there ?”He quizzed

The legislators urged the the the government to popularise the initiative in a bid to avert any misconception about the curriculum among the stakeholders.

