Malindi court dismisses petition challenging Dhadho Gondhana’s win

Tana River governor Dhadho Gondhana receiving his election certificate after the August 8th election PHOTO COURTESY

Malindi,KENYA:A court in Malindi on Friday dismissed a petition challenging the election of Tana River governor Major general Dhadho Gondhana .

In the ruling, Justice Asenath Ongeri said the petition filed by former Tana River governor Hussein Dado lacked sufficient evidence.

Following the petition dismiss, the High court has ordered the petitioner to pay sh 2 million shillings which is the cost of the petition.

The former governor claimed that election process was marred by violence which according to the petitioner was ignited by Mr. Godhana’s supporters both at Garsen Promary and Hola secondary which were the tallying centers and that could have interrupted the tallying process.

Justice Ongeri in his ruling said the petitioner failed to give enough and trustworthy evidence concerning his claims and that were based on rumors.

“For his claims to maintained, he was required to provide evidence, that shows violence interfered with the election was associated with the respondent,” said the judge.

The ruling comes, after another ruling of January 5th this year which was also dismissed.

The previous petition was filed by Mohamed Hatu claiming that Mr. Godhana had no university degree wanting his victory to be nullified saying he did not qualify to vie for the seat.

The Malindi high in that case confirmed that the governor had the a valid academic  degree hence dismissing the petition.

While outside the court premises Mr. Godhana called upon all leaders and residents who had turned against him to join his government and focus on developmental agenda.

“It has come out open that he used propaganda from everywhere and brought them to court so that it can make an overturn of the situation,” Godhana said.

