Police are thugs in uniforms! Says Raila

NASA principal Raila Odinga addressing crowd at Changamwe. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: Nasa leader Raila Odinga on Sunday rebuked the police for allowing to be misused by government calling them thugs in uniform.

Speaking during a rally in Changamwe, Odinga claimed the police force is rotten and needs a serious overhaul.

According to the Nasa leader, police have been carrying out illegal orders by politicians.

“They are thugs in uniform. They are not a proper police force which is meant to protect the people. They are not a service, they are a force,” he said.

He claimed police kept him waiting for two hours when he went to secure the release of Embakasi East MP Babu Owino to accompany him to the Mombasa rally.

Odinga stated that the crime Babu Owino is accused of is a misdemeanor which is not a serious crime that warrants detention.

“They kept me waiting for two hours. Later somebody called Sakaja, went to the police station and Babu was released. That was a misdemeanor. Police are being misused,” he said.

Odinga also reiterated that he won the August 8 presidential elections and that he does not recognize the Kenyatta presidency.

“Kwa hivyo Raila yuko tayari kuapishwa. Tuataapishwa wapende wasipende.Tulishinda uchaguzi wa tarehe 8”, Said Odinga.

Nasa co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka said time is running out for the government to hold dialogue with Nasa over reforms.

“Uhuru you must call Raila ili tuangalie mambo ya electoral justice, devolution na mambo ya kikatiba,” he said.

