KPMDU condemns rape claims by new mothers at Kenyatta Hospital


Nairobi, KENYA: The Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union has condemned sexual harassment allegations that have been leveled against some staff at the Kenyatta National Hospital.

In a media briefing in Nairobi on Friday, led by KPMDU chair Samwel Oroko and secretary general Dr. Ouma Oluga, they condemned such incidents urging the aggrieved parties to report them to the administration or to the police for justice to prevail.

KMPDU was prompted to swing into action on the matter after some allegations on the ugly incidents resurfaced on the social media.

“We as doctors at times we are blamed, on acts taking place in various facilities, but if you go to the hospital any hospital either private or public, the administration or government is supposed to employ security mechanisms in dealing with this matter.If there are people who fear or they are harassed sexually, the law has to take its course.”Dr. Oluga said

“Report these cases to the administration, if action is not taken, report to the police up to the ombudsman.”He added

The Kenyatta national hospital is reportedly holding a meeting to iron out issues in regard to the allegations.

Claims of breastfeeding mothers being raped at the Kenyatta National Hospital emerged on social media with reports indicating that mothers who go through Cesarean are at a risk when they go to breastfeed their newborns.

After giving birth, mothers are expected to go and breastfeed their babies every two hours in the nurseries located on another floor, separate from their wards.

There are now claims that this exercise is hindered and complicated by the threat of rape and theft they face on their way to the nurseries being allegedly perpetrated by mortuary attendants.

Separately, the union said that it will cooperate with regulatory agencies in the country in a bid to deal with the menace of quacks in the industry who are putting Kenyan lives at stake.

They said that there is a need for the ministry to review the policy on task shifting and task sharing to guarantee Kenyans seeking health services well-trained staff.

They applauded President Uhuru Kenyatta for his initiative in upholding the universal health care principle urging his government to consider employing 1,000 doctors who have been waiting over nine months to fill the gap in the counties’ health facilities.

They also urged government agencies to keep on eye on training institutions that are not inline to deliver quality health education to students pursuing medical courses, in order to avert incidences of half-baked graduates in the medical industry.

