Balala,Matiang’i,Mucheru among those retained in President Uhuru’s Cabinet

President Uhuru Kenyatta during the State of The Nation Address in parliament on 15th March 2017. PHOTO/FILE

Nairobi, KENYA:  Najib Balala,  Fred Matiang’I and  Joe Mucheru are among the Cabinet Secretaries who have been retained by President Uhuru Kenyatta in his latest announcement.

President Uhuru announced the new list of Cabinet secretaries at State House on Friday Afternoon.

President Uhuru’s new Cabinet is made up of: Fred Matiang’i: Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government/Acting Minister of Education, Charles Keter: Ministry of Energy & Petroleum, Joseph Mucheru: Ministry of Information, Communications & Technology, Henry K. Rotich: Ministry of National Treasury, Najib Balala: Ministry of Tourism and James Macharia: Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development.

He has also nominated John Munyes, Ukur Yattani, Keriako Tobiko as Cabinet Secretaries, this is after receiving the resignation of Tobiko as Director of Public Prosecutions.

Kinuthiua Mbugua has also been appointed as the new  State House Comptroller.

He said that he would announce the remaining appointments in due course.

President Kenyatta has also forwarded the names of Director of Criminal Investigations Ndegwa Muhoro, Deputy Inspector General of police, Joel Mboya Kitili and Deputy Inspector General Administration Police Service to Public Service Commission for redeployment.

