Shakilla Abdalla calls for speedy compensation of Lamu Landowners

Former Lamu women representative Shakila Abdalla at a past media briefing PHOTO COURTESY

Lamu,KENYA:Former Lamu county women rep who is also the deputy party leader for Wiper Shakilla Abdalla has asked the national government to compensate those who were displaced after they lands were acquired to enable for the expansion of the Lamu-Garsen road.

Construction of the 135 kilometer road was officially launched by President Uhuru Kenyatta when he toured Witu town on March 9 this year.

The government has already announced setting aside Sh.10.4 billion to go into the expansion and construction of the road.

Speaking on Thursday,Shakilla admonished the national government for trying to play chase whenever the issue of compensation for those affected is brought up.

Shakilla said in as much as she supports the construction of the road which is expected to open up Lamu to more opportunities,she also prefers that justice be rendered to those who have lost their lands to allow the road to proceed.

“We are glad that projects like the LAPSSET have pushed the government to start constructing the Lamu-Garsen road.Its however surprising that the government hasn’t said a thing about compensating those who had to move away from their lands so that the road could be expanded.We love the idea of a modern road but what we love most is when justice is rendered and people are paid their dues.The government has the ability to see to that,”said Shakilla.

Shakilla also questioned the extremely slow rate at which the road construction was taking place.

She said it will be best for the government to speed up the road so as to reduce the increased cases of insecurity which is precipitated by the constant presence of Alshabaab on the road.

She said the road will open up Lamu to more trade,industry and economic opportunities.

Shakilla criticized Lamu governor Fahim Twaha and other leaders for going silent on the matter instead of pushing for justice for their people.

“Our leaders can do better than just keeping mum and acting like they have no idea.They should push for the speedy construction of the road in as much as they will push for the compensation of those affected.The road was launched more than seven months ago but nothing has yet to come out of it,”said Shakilla.

The main Lamu-Garsen has been in dilapidated condition for over 50 years

