Drivers, travelers urged to report suspicious persons on Lamu-Garsen road


Lamu, KENYA: Drivers and travelers plying then Lamu-Garsen road have been asked to be extra cautious and report to the police any presence of suspicious persons whom they feel could be a threat to their security.

Travelers have also been urged to also incorporate the Nyumba Kumi initiative whenever they ply the route by paying close attention to all other travelers and reporting anyone they feel is acting suspicious and weird.

Speaking in Lamu on Wednesday, Linda Boni operation director Joseph Kanyiri said many people are expected to be coming into and out of Lamu for the December holidays and that it will be proper to exercise extra caution.

Kanyiri said its at a time like this when criminals like Alshabaab can easily take advantage and hide among passengers and travelers to come and conduct attacks in Lamu.

He said security forces have been able to identify notorious hotspots that are normally easily attacked by Alshabaab and that adequate security barricades have been set up in such.

Areas that have become renowned attack spots by Alshabaab on the Lamu-Garsen road include Nyongoro, Gamba, Mambo Sasa, Lango la Simba, and Milihoi areas.

Kanyiri wants locals to cooperate with security officers to ensure the security of travelers on the road is guaranteed.

“Alshabaab have been targeting buses and security vehicles on the road.We have however done all we can to ensure such attacks don’t happen again.We are however appealing for cooperation from travelers and the general public to report any suspicious traveler or presence on the road so we can deal with it promptly.We know Alshabaab and even drug dealers will want to use the huge influx of visitors for the December holidays to come in and do harm and that’s why we are calling for vigilance from all.Drivers must carefully frisk all luggage coming into their vehicles to avoid any surprises,” said Kanyiri.

Lamu county commissioner Gilbert Kitiyo has urged drivers and travelers to stick to convoys with a police escort.

He said those who will not adhere to traveling in secured convoys will be committing suicide and such drivers shall be arrested and charged for putting the lives of others in danger.

Kitiyo also warmed private car owners who have formed a tendency of traveling alone at night saying they will only have themselves to blame if they are attacked on the way.

He said the ban on night traveling still stands.

“No vehicle is supposed to travel at night and anyone doing is directly putting their lives at risk.The night travel ban is still on.Drivers and travelers mist all stick to secured convoys.Follow the rules and stay safe,” said Kitiyo.

