More funds needed to boost health sector in Nairobi County

Mothers and their babies wait to be attended to at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital in Nairobi. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: National Tax Association report indicates that there is a need for Nairobi county to channel more resources especially funds to the health sector to uphold its comprehensive functionality.

Speaking during the launch of the 2017 Nairobi health sector scorecard on Tuesday in Nairobi, the association Project manager Polycarp Otieno said that the lack of funds in the sector has adversely affected service delivery in the county.

He said that the there is lack of accountability, transparency and failure by the county government to prioritize channeling of more funds to the health sector within the county to improve health services.

“It is sad that we still have to buy drugs from outside pharmacies and further health centers can’t operate 24/7 because of understaffing.”Otieno said.

He said that lack of funds has led to the lack of better services including the availability of ambulances drugs in health facilities and improvement in staffing.

The report gave an in-depth revelation of challenges in health service delivery which also include late disbursement of health funds water and community perception of health service delivery.

The report recommends that there is need to channel more funds and enhancement of accountability to improve service delivery in the health sector.

