1st fully-fledged public cancer facility in the region set up at the Coast General Hospital


Mombasa, KENYA: Mombasa County in partnership with Bamburi cement has set-up a sh.18 Million cancer treatment centre at the Coast General Hospital, becoming the second fully-fledged public cancer facility in Kenya.

The Bamburi Cement Cancer Centre, a first in Mombasa County, will see cancer patient’s conveniently accessing cancer treatment and management services within the larger Coast region while reducing pressure on the other two public cancer treatment facilities in the country – Kenyatta National Hospital and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret.

The new facility has been installed with specialized cancer treatment machines and equipment, including a chemotherapy hood, seven chemotherapy chairs, three consultations rooms and a drugs preparation room.

In addition, the facility boasts of a treatment room, furniture, and various medical fittings.

Speaking during the launch on Thursday, Bamburi Cement Ltd. Acting Managing Director, Mr. Eric Kironde, said that the new facility will not only provide access to cancer treatment and management services but offer convenience and relief to patients without having to travel to other cancer centers outside the larger Coast region for treatment.

“This being the first cancer center in the Coast region, it is a relief to cancer patients who initially received referral services only in most public hospitals and patients had to seek treatment and management services either in private hospitals, which are generally costly or travel to other cancer treatment centers across the country,” said Mr. Kironde.

According to the National Cancer Institute, there has been an increase in the number of cancer patients from 20,000 in 2012 to 40,000 annually sparked by an increase in the number of undiagnosed cases and lifestyle habits.

Mr. Kironde also cited that inaccessibility to cancer treatment has led to a majority of the cancer patients lacking proper treatment at the right time.

The Mombasa County government lauded the move by Bamburi to have the first cancer unit unveiled in coast as a milestone for cancer patients who will no longer strain in seeking treatment regionally.

CEC Ministry of Health Hazel Koitba lauded the move by Bamburi Cement to renovate and equip the first Cancer Centre in the Coast Region.

“We thank Bamburi Cement Ltd. for renovating and equipping the Cancer Center as this presents a great milestone to Mombasa County and will ensure that patients will have access to specialized cancer treatment and management services in Mombasa. As the County Government of Mombasa, we have always put a high-priority towards the provision of superior health care services to our community including the fight against cancer,” said Koitaba.

The need to have a cancer unit in Mombasa was first incepted in November 2016 by Bamburi Cement Limited and Mombasa County government.

Construction began at the beginning of 2017 and was completed by mid-2017.

The County Government which trained specialized doctors abroad in cancer treatment and management will also oversee maintenance and payment of staff in the Cancer Center.

