Three slashed by thugs in Likoni

The ambulance that carried the injured in Likoni. PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Likoni,Mombasa: Three people are nursing serious injuries after they were attacked by armed criminal gang members of watalia in Likoni.

About 60 to 80 armed gangs with machetes slashed three people leaving them with deep cuts in their bodies.

The three were brought to Manyatta hospital for first aid before being transferred to Coast General Hospital.

The armed criminal gang was said to be on a mission of revenge after their leader was lynched in Soweto area by the public.

Joseph Leleshenni,40 was cut in the head and abdomen severally by the gang members.

According to his wife, Leleshani was standing at her shop in Jamvi la Wageni when a gang of more than 50 youths struck. She said about five of them drew machetes and slashed her husband saying they were on a revenge mission.

“We scampered for our safety, I saw my husband falling down as he could not wrestle with attackers who were very many,” said miss Amina.

Another victim Nicholas Odhiambo Charo who was collecting firewood for sale was attacked as he was about to leave his house.

He had several deep cuts in his head and hands; both were treated at Manyatta hospital in Likoni before they were transferred to Coast General hospital.

Area MCA Mohammed Hamisi who ferried the victims to hospital blamed the police for not taking action against the suspects.

He said Likoni police are just 300m from where the gang members attacked the victims but it takes more than two hours for police to respond.

He threatened to mobilize residents to arm themselves saying police have failed to protect them.

“In Likoni police station we have various departments of security, how can 60 criminal gang members terrorize the whole village without even an arrest, we are going to armed ourselves,” said the MCA.

