KCPE 2017 results released


Nairobi, KENYA: Education CS Fred Matiang’i on Tuesday released the 2017 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education results.

Speaking at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development KICD, CS Matiangi said though there was a challenge during this year’s exams due to the political temperature, the candidates performed better.

According to CS Matiang’i, the top KCPE 2017 candidate scored 455 marks as compared to last year’s 437. He also added that all students who attained 400 marks whether public or private, will secure a national school.

“Candidates from public schools in the top 100 category, will receive support from the government.We hope to complete placement by 4th December. I have firm instruction from the president that by Jamhuri Day every child should be placed in a school.” Said Matiang’i.

He added that top 20 candidates had over 443 marks and 9,846 candidates scored above 400 marks.

This is the shortest time in Kenya’s history that the results have taken to be released. The exams were marked by computers as indicated by the CS prior to their commencement.

In 2016, Matiang’i made the results available within one month; taking everyone by surprise. The results were released on December 1, unlike in previous years where they were released towards the end of the year.

A total of 1,003,556 candidates had registered for the 2017 KCPE exams in 28,566 centres across the country.

According to Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec), chairman Prof George Magoha, 993,718 candidates sat for the exams.

Matiang’i said the number of absent candidates decreased compared to previous year.

There was no single malpractice in this year’s exams.

He also added that Special need school has produced 6 of the best students in the country.

Science and Social studies have dropped in performance compared to other subjects.

To get their results, candidates have been advised to SMS their index number to 22252 or check the Exams Council portal http://www.knec-portal.ac.ke

