Deputy Chief Justice to handle presidential petition

Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:The case challenging President Uhuru Kenyatta election win filed by Activist Okiya Omtatah’s, has been forwarded to Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu.

According to Supreme Court registrar Daniel ole Keiuwa,  Mwilu is to constitute a bench that will hear the case.

Keiuwa said that all parties in the case have complied with courts directives and have filed their submissions.

According to Uhuru’s Lawyer Fred Ngatia, Attorney General Githu Muigai and election board IEBC, want the case dismissed arguing that the supreme court lacks jurisdiction to hear and determine it.

Omtatah filed a petition seeking to bar the IEBC from declaring Uhuru Kenyatta the president-elect following the withdrawal of Raila Odinga from the October 26 election.

He argued that the poll was invalid because no fresh nominations were held by IEBC.

In response, Uhuru termed the case an abuse of court processes and said the petitioner did not produce evidence to support his claims.

