Lamu-Somalia border schools guarded by KDF as KCSE kicks off

Wiyoni secondary school principal Rita Balagha signs for the KCSE exams in Lamu town on Monday. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams in schools located at terror-prone areas on the Lamu-Somalia border kicked off on Monday amidst tight security from the KDF and police.

Lamu county commissioner Gilbert Kitiyo said his office had made extra deployments of security to all schools on the Lamu-Somalia border to ensure the exams progress uninterrupted.

The schools are Kiunga, Mkokoni, and Witu secondary schools and all other schools bordering the areas.

Speaking in his office on Monday, Kitiyo said adequate security measures have also been done in all other schools in the county to ensure the KCSE candidates sit their exams in a safe and peaceful environment.

He said apart from adequate security deployments in all KCSE exam centers all across Lamu, measures have also been taken to ensure adequate security patrols on all roads bordering the Boni forest in order to ensure no intercepts vehicles transporting exams to various centers especially the terror-prone ones.

“There is enough security for all schools but especially schools on the Lamu-Somalia border so that learners can sit exams safely and peacefully.We also have our roads tightly guarded especially in terror-prone areas of Kiunga, Mkokoni, and Witu to ensure no one tries to interfere with transportation of exam papers or even intercept them for that matter.There is no cause for worry since we are on top of things here,” said Kitiyo.

He said learners have no reason to worry as they will be sufficiently protected for the entire exam period.

A total of 1,565 KCSE candidates are sitting their exams in Lamu this year.

The county commissioner has also issued a stern warning to teachers, parents, security officers, and students who plan to engage in exam malpractices saying his office will not be lenient with such.

“Engage in exam malpractices at your own peril.We won’t be party to such ills and we shall use anyone found doing that as an example for future culprits,” he said.

