Taita Taveta governor Samboja defies orders on voting

Taita Taveta governor Granton Samboja casting his vote at Mwakishimba primary school on October 26th PHOTO FATUMA RASHID

Taita Taveta,KENYA:Taita Taveta Governor  has defied orders from the NASA principal Raila Odinga and his party leader Kalonzo Musyoka  on voting.

Samboja on Thursday morning cast his ballot at Mwakishimba primary school.

Speaking after casting his ballot , Mr Samboja said he had exercised his democratic right just like any other Kenyan.
‘The process was smooth, I want to tell all Kenyans that voting is a democratic right of every Kenyan as enshrined in the constitution and no one can be stopped from exercising it  ” he said .

Mr Samboja seems to be the only opposition governor who has defied the coalition to cast his vote.

The governor who was elected on Wiper party ticket has on various occasions indicated he will work with President Uhuru Kenyatta for development.

The county boss called on Kenyans to remained peaceful as they vote and urged the residents to turn out in large numbers and vote.

He also urged leaders across the political divide to peach peace and love and called upon those not willing to vote to stay at home saying it is their democratic right not to vote.

Former Taita Taveta governor John Mruttu who came in second after Samboja also voted at Kimala primary in Taita Taveta county.

