Police fire in the air to disperse rowdy crowd at Likoni-Ferry

Crowd at the Likoni-Ferry channel. PHOTO: HILLARY MAKOKHA.

Mombasa, KENYA: Police at the Likoni ferry channel on Thursday morning shot in the air to control thousands of impatient commuters who were left stranded after Mv Likoni stalled.

The commuters who had boarded Mv Likoni at 7:30 am were forced to wait for about 30 minutes after the engine failed to start.

Two ferries Mv Kilindini and new ferry Mv Jambo tried to push the stalled ferry but it was all in vain as commuters kept waiting, hoping for the best.

The number of commuters who intended to use the ferry in morning kept on increasing and used force against the security officers controlling the crowd.

Police officers tried to control the crowd but they were unable to resulting to them firing in the air to calm the situation, as the crowd dispersed in different directions.

Several people were also injured in the 8 am incident.

