High court lifts government ban on ant-IEBC demos in CBD

Mvita Mp Abdulswamad Sharriff Nassir, Jomvu MP Badi Twalib lead #AntiIEBCDemos in Mombasa.PHOTO: HILLARY MAKOKHA.

Nairobi, KENYA: The high court has suspended acting interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi’s ban on National super alliance NASA Demonstrations’ in the three key cities including central business district of Mombasa, Nairobi and Kisumu.

This is after NASA CEO Norman Magaya filed a petition seeking orders to bar the police from arresting him.

Justice Chacha Mwita on his ruling, on Tuesday said that the ban will be in effect until Magaya’s case is heard and determined.

On the other hand, court on Tuesday through Justice John Mativo issued temporary orders stopping police and the director of public prosecutions from arresting and prosecuting NASA CEO Norman Magaya.

Judge Mativo issued the temporary orders after the lawyer representing Mr Magaya appeared before him.

Mr Magaya had moved to court on Monday seeking to stop his arrest and the ban on protests against the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

