Likoni constituency on the spotlight over election malpractices

A file photo of voters queuing to vote at Timbwani baptist primary school polling station in Likoni./FILE

Mombasa,KENYA:Likoni constituency has been put on the spotlight over irregularities in the August 8th elections.

According to a report released by a section of civil societies that were observing the August 8th elections   on Monday the constituency recorded massive malpractices in the coast region with allegation of results announced not matching with form 34b and exchange of ballot box seals.

“One of the independent chief agents noticed the interchanging of seals on the  ballot boxes  from Darul Ulum polling station and raised the matter publicly  and consequently refused to sign and demanded an explanation he was told there was chaos outside and teargas had been used outside the polling station and that’s why the ballot boxes were sealed in haste,’’ reads part of the report.

The report also indicates that reports of broken ballot box seals were given a deaf ear by the constituency returning officer.

In Shikaadabu primary polling station, the report indicates that election observers were locked out without satisfactory reasons.

While in the overall voter turnout did not correspond with form 34b

“On the announcement  of the presidential results by the RO it was found that the  voter declaration was  contradicting form 34B .The form was stating that voter turnout was 49,896 while the RO mentioned 53,602,” Reads  another part of the report.

Messages to the Likoni constituency IEBC office in regards to the above allegations  had not yet been answered by the time of going to press.

The report titled manipulated peoples will:elections as a process or event was prepared from observances from observers drawn from several civil society organizations which include Muslim for Human Rights MUHURI and Human rights Agenda HURIA.

