Diamond Platnumz revisits his birth hospital


After  throwing several pre birthday parties  flanked by beautiful models including a Yatch party to celebrate his birthday,Tanzanian singer Diamond Platnumz  decided to give to the less fortunate during his birthday.

Diamond carrying supplies to the hospital PHOTO COURTESY

Diamond Platnmuz visited the Amana Ilala hospital in the Tanzanian capital Dares Salaam on Monday 2nd October which is where he was born 28 years ago.

The Salome hitmaker was accompanied by his entourage and a radio presenter from Tanzania’s clouds FM.

The Tanzanian singer interacts with a young baby PHOTO COURTESY

Speaking to a Tanzanian media house diamond revealed that he decided to visit the hospital on his birthdate as he knew the hospital is in need of assistance and he also wanted to see the babies who were born on the same day as he was.

“Najua hospitali kuna mahitaji mengi nikaona kwa uwezo wangu mdogo nami nishiriki kusaidia mahali nilipozaliwa siku ya leo ili nipate pia fursa ya kuwaona watoto waliozaliwa tarehe kama yangu”

(I Know hospitals have a lot of needs so I decided to use my little ability to help  today so that I can get to see those I share I birthday with)

Diamond also revealed during his birthday that he was working with American producer and rapper Swiss Beatz in his next project.

