Lamu still a NASA stronghold,Former Lamu women rep

Former Lamu women representative Shakila Abdalla at a past media briefing PHOTO COURTESY

Lamu,KENYA:Wiper Democratic Movement Deputy Party Leader and former Lamu County Women Representative Shakila Abdalla has asked those claiming that Lamu is a Jubilee zone to stop playing themselves and wake up to the reality that Lamu has and will always be an opposition stronghold and in this case NASA.

Shakilla who has been silent since her loss to current Women Rep Ruweida Obbo of Jubilee said she was now focusing on consolidating 100 per cent of the Lamu vote for the NASA coalition in the forthcoming Presidential election.

Speaking for the first time since her loss to Obo in Lamu on Thursday,Shakilla said the Jubilee Party has generated computer leaders all around the country who were never really the choice of the people with the objective of grabbing majority representation using uncanny means.

She said it was pathetic for Jubilee to claim Lamu was its stronghold when the reality was right in front of them.

She challenged locals politicians who have been going around peddling misconstrued information of Lamu being a Jubilee stronghold to style up and stop forcing the Jubilee party of the people of Lamu who remain strongly in NASA.

Shakilla said its an open secret that Jubilee did not win this election fairly and that votes were openly manipulated to favor all Jubilee aspirants around the country.

She expressed confidence that NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga will win the forthcoming presidential elections by a large margin just like he did on August 8.

“We all know Jubilee played games to amass majority wins and its so pathetic that such things still happen in any given democracy.Its wrong to impose yourself or any other person on the electorate and that’s why we are going to ensure Raila Odinga wins the forthcoming elections afterall he won already on August 8,”said Shakilla.

“Lamu will never be a Jubilee stronghold and they know it.They did what they did and the people aren’t happy.This has always been a NASA zone and that’s how it stays.I shall remain the voice of my people whether in office or not,”she said.

Shakilla accused the IEBC for failing to address the discrepancies raised before the elections thus playing an active role in the flawed elections.

She said there was need for the mess at the IEBC to be sorted out before the October 17th elections are conducted.

“The IEBC failed not just the people of Lamu but Kenyans at large.The elections were openly flawed and that’s why there is need for serious changes in the commission before the presidential re-elections are held.The commission as currently constituted cant hold fair elections,”she added.

The Jubilee party won all the top seats in Lamu,a region once considered an opposition stronghold with all the incumbents losing their seats to newcomers from the Jubilee party.

The incumbents include Issa Timamy of ANC who lost the gubernatorial race to Fahim Twaha of JP,Abu Chiaba of JP who didn’t contest his Senatorial seat that was taken by youngster Anwar Loitiptip of JP,Shakilla Abdalla of Wiper party who lost to newcomer Ruweida Obo of JP.

Lamu East MP Athman Shariff retained his seat while his Lamu west counterpart Julius Ndegwa lost to Stanley Muthama of MCCP.

A host of MCA’s were also elected on the Jubilee party ticket.

