Tana river residents want speaker to curb funds misuse by MCA’s

Tana river county assembly in a past session PHOTO COURTESY

 Tana River,KENYA:Residents in Tana River County are putting into task the new county assembly speaker Justin Nkaduda to curb the misuse of public resources by MCA’s in the county.

Speaking to Baraka FM on Wednesday evening after the swearing in ceremony of the county assembly members and their speaker  the members of the public sent a message to the speaker to perform his duties regardless of tribal or political affiliations.

Mr. Mohamed Dabaso told Baraka Fm that the speaker has a lot to do as per the constitutional mandate to the assembly.

The residents put an emphasis on the oversight role claiming that the former assembly did poorly in that role which as a result led to misuse of public resources in the whole five year term.
“We want the speaker elect Mr. Michael Justin Nkaduda to perform his duties transparently without favoritism because this assembly is the tool to determine the degree of utilization in the county resources. The county assembly members should avoid greediness, they should stop demanding to be  given money to cause a derail in the oversight role as that will ruin our resources at all,” said Mr. Dabaso.

Speaker Nkaduda  during his acceptance speech  affirmed that he would perform his duties as scripted in the constitution while   closely with members to achieve  devolution goals.

“I will work hand in hand with the members to make sure the dream of this county is at hand. Nonetheless I will attend my duties according to the constitution and to pickup from where my colleague Dr. Nuh left,” Mr. Nkaduda uttered.

On the other hand the residents congratulated the assembly for conducting a transparent  speaker election  with little regard to   tribe or religion .
Mr. Dabaso and Mr. Manase Makorani who had witnessed the  process from the beginning congratulated the swearing in of ward reps and that of speaker  saying  it was democratically conducted despite some few challenges that had been observed at first.


