Student linked to Moi Girls fire arraigned in court

The student at the Mlimani juvenile court PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:A 14 year old girl who has been linked to a fire at the Moi girls high school in Nairobi has been detained for 7 days to allow for investigations.

Nairobi senior Magistrate Theresa Nyangema ordered the girl detained for 7 days at the Kilimani police station to allow a conclusion of investigations into the matter and after which the court would consider her bail application.

The suspect, who covered her face, appeared at the Mlimani juvenile court on Wednesday morning.

The family lawyer Stanley Kang’au applied to have media barred from covering the case.

However, the court granted the application warning media against revealing her identity.

After conclusion of investigations the suspect is expected to be charged with murder, arson and assault.

The fire that ravaged one of the dormitories on Saturday morning caused the death of 9 girls and left more than 5  injured.

