Raila lawyers win access to select IEBC data

Supreme Court judges . PHOTO/FILE.

Nairobi, KENYA: The Supreme court on Monday granted Raila Odinga’s lawyers partial access to IEBC servers in the ongoing presidential petition.

The ruling being read by Justice Isaac Lenaola, said the supervised read-only access to the data was aimed at ensuring that the IEBC firewalls are not endangered.

The layers led by James Orengo, were also allowed to copy the data for their analysis and audit.

They have also been allowed to access the following information and records:

  1. Passwords used to access KIEMS
  2. User types on KIEMS
  3. IEBC’s ICT redundancy plan
  4. Certified copies of penetration tests conducted prior to and during August 8 elections
  5. GPRS locations of KIEMS.
  6. Number of servers used in the August 8 polls
  7. Firewalls used to protect the Kenya Integrated Election Management Systems (KIEMS) from hackers.
  8. Operating system of KIEMS
  9. Polling stations and their allocation
  10. IEBC technical agreements with providers
  11. Log-ins and trail of users of KIEMS between August 5 until now.
  12. Certified copies of forms 34A and 34B used to declare results.

More to follow

