Jubilee is blackmailing our candidates,NASA


Nairobi,KENYA:National Super Alliance has blasted the Jubilee administration accusing it of blackmailing its candidates who lost in the just concluded polls.

In a press statement NASA’s National Campaign Committee supremo  Musalia Mudavadi said that there is an emerging trend by the Jubilee administration of applying arbitrary political pressure to the candidates allied to the coalition especially the ones who were vying for gubernatorial seats and lost to concede defeat through threats and intimidation.

Musalia said that Jubilee is waving the spectre of prosecution, unwarranted and excessive tax assessments and demands, and interference with legitimate business or other enterprises if the candidates fail to adhere to its demands.

He said that the Jubilee administration is also extracting statements from some NASA elected leaders to make pronouncements to the effect that they are going to work with the Government.

” Article 6(2) of the Constitution is clear on how devolved governments should work vis-a-vis the national government.As NASA, we had noted the strange and odd wins in several counties including Garissa, Machakos, Nairobi, Narok, Kajiado, Wajir and Marsabit, where a computer generated formula, using the same algorithm, unlawfully and fraudulently secured victories for Jubilee candidates .”He said

He indicated that NASA condemn the arbitrary and unlawful exercise of executive authority and intimidation against the opposition and civil society.

” This is no different from the crude democracy and backward model of “election” used by KANU at its lowest rock bottom nadir in Kenya’s political universe. This is political action by what looks like soft power, but it is no different from the brutal and illegal invasion and attack meted against civil society.”He said in a statement .

