Woman sentenced to life imprisonment over drug trafficking


Mombasa, KENYA: A woman was on Monday sentenced to life imprisonment for drug trafficking  in Mombasa.

A Mombasa court found Mercy Awour guilty for trafficking 1,089 large rolls Marijuana of street value sh 217, 800.

“I found the prosecution has proved its case against the accused person beyond reasonable doubt, I find the accused person guilty of the offence of trafficking narcotic drugs,”said senior resident magistrate Edigah Kagoni.

Miss Awour was arrested on 16th December 2016, at her home in Migadini area.

According to the police evidence, they received information that there was a lady in Changamwe who had Marijuana in her house.

“We proceeded to the house as directed, got in and on searching we found a blue metallic box and a bag under the bed containing what was suspected to be Marijuana,” said police constable Geoffrey Maina.

But in her defense,Awour denied the charges and told court that she did not know when the narcotics were brought into her house.

Mr.Kagoni directed her to appeal within 14 days if his not certisfied with the lower court judgement.

