Marwa wants aspirants fined over posters


Mombasa,KENYA:Coast regional coordinator Nelson Marwa wants political aspirants compelled to clean the region over campaign material which he says has added more waste and garbage in the region.

In a presser in Mombasa on Saturday afternoon, the Regional coordinator urged county governments to compel all aspirants whom he  accused of making the region dirty with their campaign material.

“We would like the county governments to give all aspirants a one week notice to clean the city failure to which they should be fined” Marwa said.

However it is not clear if the county governments in the 6 counties of the coast region would heed Marwa’s directive as his functions fall under the national government and not the county government who are mandated with management of waste and garbage at the county levels.

Marwa also lauded coastal residents for maintaining peace and calm during the campaign and electoral period  also  called for a return to normalcy  ordering all civil servants to go back work on Monday.

“Every civil servant must his desk on Monday .A physical count will be done on Monday” Marwa said.

The regional coordinator also urged those aspirants who had doubts over the just completed electoral process to solve the matter in court urging residents of Mombasa to go back to work.

