Congratulatory messages flow in for Uhuru Kenyatta

Various heads of state who congratulated the president elect Uhuru Kenyatta PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:Various heads of state have congratulated the Kenyan president elect over his victory in Tuesday’s polls.

Burundian president Pierre Nkurunziza was the first to congratulate the president on Thursday just hours before IEBC declared him as the winner.

Nkurunziza expressed hope to the strengthening of relations between Kenya and Burundi.

Rwandese President elect Paul Kagame also congratulated the president in two tweets calling for the close cooperation of the two nations.

Tanzanian president John Pombe Magufuli   also congratulated the president wishing him success in his term.

While Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni said Uhuru’s re-election was evidence of the trust Kenyans had put in him.

Somalia president Mohamed Farmajo,  congratulated the president saying they shared a vision of peace and unity in the region.

“President Farmajo is confident that the re-election of President Kenyatta would foster further cooperation on bilateral and diplomatic relations between Somalia and Kenya.

“President Kenyatta and I share a common vision of peace, stability and economic growth for our two countries and the region as a whole”

Somalia has had strong economic and diplomatic ties with Kenya, which were further strengthened after President Farmajo made his maiden state visit to Nairobi in March this year.” read Farmajo’s statement.

Uhuru Kenyatta is expected to be sworn in on August 29th if any party does not file a petition challenging his re-election by August 22nd.

