Terror attacks in Lamu are politically instigated, claims Marwa


Lamu,KENYA: Coast regional coordinator Nelson Marwa has implicated a section of politicians in Lamu in the recent spate of terror attacks in the county.

Speaking in Lamu on Sunday,Marwa said he was aware that the recent terror incident in which Public Housing PS Mariam El Maawy was briefly held hostage by suspected militants as she headed to Witu to visit displaced families was politically instigated.

Marwa said the plan was to create insecurity so that locals would flee and fail to vote in the forthcoming general elections.

He said it was also clear that only persons and places affiliated to the Jubilee party were being targeted by the terror attacks.

“They want people to thinks its terrorists but we know of politicians who are providing funding so that residents are killed and other flee.All this are political calculations for people to fail to vote.” Said Marwa.

Marwa said the recent terror incidents in Poromoko,Pandanguo and Jima areas in Lamu county were merely political strategies by those who plan to scare aware voters from participating in the forthcoming general elections.

He said he was aware of politicians who were funding criminals and having them conduct attacks in order to scare away residents.

He said the said the latest incident that involved the PS was well planned and swore that the perpetrators would be apprehended whether alive or dead.

He said politicians from Lamu and neighboring Tana River counties have been funding the terrorists to conduct the attacks and warned that they will be brought to book soon.

Marwa also said he was aware that politicians from the two counties had funded youths to wreak havoc during campaigns and also during the general elections.

He said it was unfortunate that the politicians were taking care of and protecting the terrorists including feeding them and ensuring their life inside the Boni forest is comfortable as they continued to frustrate locals.

Marwa has therefore issued a shoot to kill order for any terrorist spotted anywhere in the county.

Meanwhile, the coast police boss has also announced the presence of Alshabaab spies situated at the main entry and exit points at the Lamu and Mokowe Jetty’s in Lamu who are said to give information on any persons of interests visiting the county.

Speaking on Sunday,Marwa directed police officers to have all persons entering and leaving Lamu town to be thoroughly frisked before being allowed to continue to their destinations.

“We want those responsible arrested even if it’s the governor for Lamu.Police have been ordered to arrest any idlers at the Mokowe or Lamu jetties.We need to sift out genuine people from the rest,”said Marwa.

He said his office was aware of youth who are being paid by politicians to collect and furnish them with any given information or movement of a particular persons(s).

