KNHCR urges IEBC to uphold constitution by publishing voter register


Nairobi, KENYA: Kenya National Human Rights Commission now insists that Independent Electoral and Boundaries commission should publicize the voters register as stipulated constitutionally.

Speaking with members of the press in Nairobi on Friday, KNHCR vice Chairman George Morara noted that the move will make IEBC more credible.

“I call upon IEBC to make sure that the country is ready for the August 8 polls,” Said Morara.

Morara further stated that the IEBC has failed in conducting voters and civic education especially for the new voters who have never participated in any election before.

Morara now want the leaders to stop door to door campaigns,  saying the moves will emanate scenarios that may tend to incite Kenyans.

He also noted that, security may be jeopardized in some counties and deteriorate the safety of some residents in the country.

