Security beefed up in Mombasa ahead of polls

Police Patroling Likoni area . A victim who was hacked by suspected criminal groups who clashed in the area on Saturday has been confirmed to be a Rwandese national PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:The County government of Mombasa has put strategies to ensure peace prevails before, during   and after the August elections.

In an event attended by security leaders and other stakeholders in Mombasa security officials announced that more officers had been deployed to the county a few weeks after being named as a potential flashpoint for election violence.

“Security officers will be increased in order to control any security situation that may rise “said Rashid Were a security official in the county.

He also added that the security officers will undergo a special training before the elections.

He added that the county government has been conducting meetings with non government organizations, religious leaders, various stakeholders to ensure there is peace before during and after elections.

He also said that they had received reports that there is a group of youths who are planning to cause chaos during the elections and that they would be identified and legal measures taken against them.

The meeting was also attended by religious leaders in the county Led by Sheikh Khamis Libondoh. The religious leaders promised to ensure Mombasa maintains peace during and after elections.

“We have agreed that Mombasa county will be a good example among 47 counties in Kenyan as the county that maintains peace before, during and after elections.” Said Sheikh Khamis.

He also urged religious leaders in Mombasa county to preach peace during the electioneering period and politicians to be calm during elections and after announcement of the results by IEBC.


