Senator Omar’s campaign track vandalized, petrol bombs found at scene

Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar inspects the damage done on his campaign truck on July 7, 2017. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa,KENYA:Police in Mombasa have launched investigations into an incident in where Mombasa senator Hassan Omar Sarai’s campaign track was smashed by unknown people in what is said to be political rivalry.

The road show truck is said to have been vandalized and an attempt  made to petrol bomb his offices in renaissance center in Kizingo .

Police collected two hand made petrol bombs at the senator’s office  which  they say are now being analyzed by investigators.

Mombasa urban police boss Lucas Ogara told reporters that there was a fight between two groups affiliated to two politicians and on Thursday.

“We are now connecting with yesterday’s fight between the two groups, the two young boys,upto now we have not yet gotten the right direction to place it but its is under investigations, said the  police boss.

Senator Sarai claimed that at around  3 am  a group of a couple of youths  disembarked on a vehicle they were travelling in and started stoning the track.

He added that the same group hurled some petrol bombs into his office.

He said a car had earlier trailed his personal assistant before the incident.

“Our night security guards told us that a car with a couple of youth disembarked from a car and started throwing  petrol bombs towards the office direction,”said the senator.

The senator  is eyeing the Mombasa gubernatorial seat in August competing with incumbent Hassan Joho  of ODM and Nyali MP Hezron Awiti of  VDP.

The incident comes a  few hours after the Senator launched his ‘Road to Victory Caravan’ on Thursday in the same truck that is set to tour several areas in  Mombasa.

Speaking during the launch, Omar criticized the current county leadership over the unhygienic situation in the county and promised to cultivate a rapport between the county government and the national government so as to work towards to improving the standards of living for  Mombasa residents.

” We want to build infrastructure that will ensure that all Mombasa residents are accorded equal government services so as to improve their livelihoods.” Omar said.

The senator warned Mombasa residents against electing leaders who are not dignified and with questionable integrity claiming that such leaders will subject the Mombasa county at large to ridicule and criticism, he urged them to pay much attention to the leaders willing to give aesthetic appeal to county of Mombasa.

The senator also revealed that he was planning to launch his manifesto next week.

 Additional reporting by Victor Ndalo

