Nyali aspirants warned against night campaigns

A crowd at a past campaign. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa,KENYA:The Nyali sub county security committee has warned politicians against conducting campaign meetings at night.

Deputy county commissioner Nyali sub county Joshua Marete on Wednesday said any person found conducting political campaign meetings past 6 pm will face the full arm of the law.

“Night meetings are not allowed  because its against the law, and its against the cord of conduct for elections, its against the elections act and is rejected by the laws of this country.”Said Marete.

Marete  said any politician who wishes to conduct political campaigns meetings, is supposed to submit a request to the security office three days before the meeting; so that he could be provided with  adequate security officers who would provide security in their meetings.

Marete also added that they have set strategies to ensure that there is peace before, during and after elections.

He added that they will take legal measures against those who will be found threatening people and making hate speech.


