Kaimenyi warns Raila over vow of dismantling white owned ranches in Laikipia

Land CS Jacob Kaimenyi at a past function. PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Lands and planning cabinet secretary Prof Jacob Kaimenyi has issued a stern warning to leaders especially opposition chief Raila Odinga against any attempt of invading ranches in the country owned by foreigners.

In a media briefing on Thursday in Nairobi ,Prof Kaimenyi said that the government will not tolerate scenarios where leaders and wananchi invade foreign owned land which has been legally acquired .

Further, he warned leaders to desist from threatening the ranchers lamenting that such scenarios might be detrimental to investment, especially in land sector.

“You cannot salivate on something which belongs to somebody, please, if you salivate and invade on somebody’s land ,you are a saboteur of the economy of this country.” Prof Kaimenyi said.

“You are not encouraging investors to come to Kenya ,You are not encouraging the Kenyans to feel secure .“ He added.

He vowed to name and shame leaders who perpetrate that kind of precedence which he termed dangerous, unconstitutional and not a good spirit in environment of doing business

Earlier, NASA presidential flag bearer, Raila Odinga, vowed to dismantle largely white-owned ranches in the restive Laikipia region if he wins the election in August, accusing the ranchers of failing to utilize the land.

Kaimenyi also said that the government has initiated guidelines which will oversee the extension and renewal of land leases across the country ,whereby the land commission will notify the lessee five years prior to expiry of his or her lease.

He added that a such initiative one way of averting loopholes affecting transition of lease of land when it expires.

