Lands CS Kaimenyi blames opposition on rumors on fake Waitiki title deeds

Land CS Jacob Kaimenyi at a past function. PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:Land Cabinet secretary Prof Jacob Kaimenyi has urged squatters to ignore the rumors that the titles being distributed by the government are not genuine.

Speaking to journalists in  Mombasa  on Tuesday,Kaimenyi  assured the landowners that the titles were not fake saying they had nothing to worry about.

‘I have heard there are some individuals spreading rumors that the titles are fake. ’Kaimenyi said

“I would like to repeat it again and that the titles are not fake and the people should not have doubts when collecting them.”Kaimenyi added.

Kaimenyi blamed the opposition for misleading the country urging the beneficiaries of the Waitiki land to use the title deeds for their won benefit.

“Am I mad, or could the President be stupid to travel all the way to come and dish out fake title deeds? This is mere propaganda. Let the beneficiaries use them to take loans and develop themselves,”

The land issue has been a topic of discussion at the coast region with local leaders opposing the deal which would see the squatters on the Waitiki land pay sh 1000 a month for the title deeds for 12 years.

However the CS told reporters that a special commission had been formed to look into land injustices in the region.


