Kilifi leaders accuse Jubilee leadership of marginalizing the Coast region

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi and Kilifi women Representative Aisha Jumwa exchange views at Ngerenya during Tezo ward's projects tour. They accused Jubilee government for sabotaging Devolution. PHOTO: DAVID NGUMBAO.

Kilifi, KENYA: Kilifi county Orange Democratic Movement leaders  on Tuesday accused the sitting Jubilee government of discriminating upon the coast region in terms of development projects.

Speaking in Ngerenya, Tezo ward in Kilifi North, Kilifi governor Amason Kingi and Kilifi women representative Aisha Jumwa, said Jubilee government has been marginalized Coastal people in terms of development.

Kingi who was carrying on with his ward projects tour, told residents of the area that his government has been frustrated to a point of no tolerance in terms of Revenue Allocation disbursement.

He said he is in a big debt of almost sh. 700 million with contractors.

“As we are talking now, I owe contractors not less than sh. 700 million but I still  have managed to complete many of the projects. Come August 8, Jubilee must go home,” said Kingi.

Aisha who had accompanied Kingi warned residents over voting in the siting president and his entire government, saying this will be even worst in the next five years.

She recalled on the yellow maize issue which has been trending for the past few weeks, that it’s a plan by the national government to steal public funds for their campaigns.

“We were called at the parliament on emergency call and told to pass a bill to allow the government to procure maize from abroad on 9th and accented by the president on 10th but surprisingly enough on 11th, the ship carrying the maize was already at the port. How possible is this?” asked Jumwa.

“This is a vivid sign that they had a plan to steal from the public sh. 10 billion. Jubilee must go,” added Jumwa.

