Mombasa Action plan aimed at countering violent extremism launched

Governor Joho together with stakeholders during the launch. PHOTO: SAUM ATHMAN

Mombasa, KENYA: The county government of Mombasa in partnership with stakeholders have officially launched Mombasa County Action Plan aimed at Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (MCAP-PCVE).

Speaking during the launch on Tuesday, director for human rights organization HAKI AFRICA Hussein Khalid said it is important to deal with extremism and radicalization with a multi-prolonged action plan hence addressing aspects of security, social and economic matters.

“The intention of the action plan is to ensure it responds to local issues and take into account the national and international realities,” he said.

Khalid further said that  women are an  essential ingredient in tackling issues of extremism and security in the community.

Meanwhile, the director of the National Counter-terrorism Center Martin Kimani said the terror groups recruit youths through manipulation, while their families end up suffering from trauma.

“They find our children who are vulnerable or angry or who want to find some Form of identity and they offer them a path that leads to the distraction of our children. One of the things that is rarely talked about is the impact of recruitment on families, mothers are highly traumatized and scared.” Said Kimani.

Mombasa County Commissioner Evans Achoki has called for peace among believers of different religions and constructive cooperation with the security forces to curb extremism.

The chief guest Governor Hassan Joho, urged residents to indulge in credible conversations and  focus on discussion of security matters and cohesion.

“We need to recover and continue with the conversation, it is matter of peace, security, cohesion and tranquility we are the good people, the peaceful people.” Said Joho.

