IEBC to kickoff voter verification on Thursday

IEBC voter registration exercise PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA: Biometric Voter Verification is expected to kick off countrywide from Thursday with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission IEBC advising Kenyans to turn out in large numbers.

According to the Commission the 30 day exercise would take place from 11-May-17 to 9-Jun 17.

Chairman Wafula Chebukati on Wednesday during a press conference in Nairobi said that the Kenyans in Diaspora who registered can confirm their voter details as from 15th-30th May.

The Diaspora countries where Mass Voter Registration took place are Burundi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda.

“IEBC calls upon Kenyans to visit the verification centres to confirm their details. The bio metric registration process will give Kenyans an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the technology that will be used in the General Elections,” Mr. Chebukati said.

He advised that the process qualified for only those who registered as voters.

“There is no window to register as a new voter until after the General Election is over,” he continued. The biometric voter verification is provided for in the Constitution .The Elections Act mandates the
Commission to open the Register of Voters for verification of bio metric data by registered voters at their respective polling stations for a period of 30 days,” the IEBC Chairman remarked.

The same register being audited by audit firm KPMG is the same that voters are expected to use ,to verify their details bio metrically.

On 24- Apr-17, IEBC presented the Register of Voters after the countrywide closing of the voter registration exercise to KPMG for purposes of the audit.


