Woman arraigned in court for attempting to kill 5-year-old


Mombasa, KENYA: A 24-year-old mother was on Tuesday jailed for three months in prison for attempting to stab a 5-year-old child.

Gacheri Bendict a stepmother to the complainant, attempted to stab him with a knife when a neighbour brought him into their house with dirt clothes.

The court heard that the mother was not happy with act and chased them away telling her to take the child to his father who was at his place of work.

According to the father’s evidence, his wife had threatened to kill the child claiming he was such a bother in their marriage.

The mother of the complainant died about two years ago, before his father married another wife whom he had stayed with her for six months.

The accused requested court to forgive her for the offence and said she will not repeat in future.

Court considered her mitigation and convicted her for three months in jail or to pay a fine of shillings 10,000.

Mombasa senior resident magistrate Matrin Rabera warned her not to repeat same offence in future.

