Govt. calls for Afro-Asian Unity to ensure continents’ progress

Flags of Member states of AALCO PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Kenya has called for continued support between Africa and Asia to ensure issues of peace and governance are treated with the much needed priority in both regions.

During the opening of the 56th Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization AALCO on Tuesday  in Nairobi, Deputy President William Ruto added that developing nations can still make an impact on the global scene.

“Deepened co-operation would benefit economies of the developing countries and the world would have no choice but to pay attention,” Mr. Ruto remarked at the Kenya International Convention Centre KICC where the 4 day conference is taking place.

The Deputy President urged delegates of AALCO to fully deliberate and come with lasting solutions on violent extremism, status and treatment of refugees, environment conservation and issues of the recent development on matters of the International Criminal Court ICC.

“Terrorism continues to be a major threat to international peace and security. It aims to destabilize governments and undermine economic and social development of humanity. Addressing this trend is much more difficult and complex because of the much evolving nature of terrorist activity. Its motivation, financing, methods of attack and choice of targets are constantly changing, “he noted with concern.

Mr. Ruto added that through this convergence the 47 member states could share their best practices, lessons learned and to assist with the investigations and prosecution of terrorism cases.

“The reasons for inter-regional organizations have continued to multiply. There are continued cases of crime, violence and terrorism. Combating violent extremism remains a priority as the United Nations continues to make constant efforts in the direction of creating an effective global movement to counter terrorism,”remarked Prof. Kennedy Gastorn, Secretary General AALCO.

Meanwhile Attorney General AG Githu Muigai who led other delegates in welcoming The Socialist Republic of Vietnam said that it was the responsibility of member states to carry forward the spirit of the rule of
law and continue building on the international legal system.

“The international landscape and governance system will continue to undergo profound and complex changes with new problems and challenges emerging from time to time. In this regard AALCO member states should enhance co-operation, demonstrate mutual understanding and support each
other on core matters,” the AG stated.

AALCO represents the interests of 47 countries that are home to the majority of the world’s population, built on the foundation of ensuring the developing nations are heard and ensuring that their interests are catered for on the global platform.

Since its inception over 60 years ago AALCO continues to serve as a major avenue for Asian and African legal exchanges and co-operation.

This is the 3rd time Kenya is hosting this conference having done so previously in 1989 and 2005.

