Keep off Uhuru Kenyatta,Jubilee aspirant to governor Joho

Mombasa jubilee senatorial aspirant Abdusalam Kassim PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA:Jubilee Senatorial aspirant Abdulsalaam Kasim has warned Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho to respect the president saying he is always interfering in Jubilee issues.

Speaking on Friday in  Mombasa Kasim said the Governor should instead focus on  proving to the people of Mombasa what he has done for them as a governor since 2013.

“I want to tell Joho that he talks too much about the president to an extent of insulting him, instead of seeking publicity with Uhuru’s name he should tell the people of Mombasa whether he has fulfilled what he promised them 2013”.Said Kasim.

He accused the county government of   barring some tribes from running business in the county especially the GEMA, Kamba and Luhya communities.

“He has marginalized some communities in allocation of county jobs,Alot of people who have given tenders to the county have not been paid you should deal with your county instead of talking about Jubilee.”Kassim said.

Kasim has also said that the coast region is no longer an ODM zone promising that  he  together with the other Jubilee aspirants would work hard to to prove that Jubilee is taking over the region.

Kassim was responding to the Mombasa governor who on Thursday criticized the governments move of creating a dry port in Naivasha during the naming ceremony of the NASA flag bearer in Nairobi.

Kasim further  promised to work for the people of Mombasa if elected as the senator if elected come August 8th.

He has also called the fellow Jubilee aspirants  who did not get the party tickets to work with him for the betterment of the people of Mombasa.

