Wiper chairman ditches the party

Kitui senator David Musila in a past media address PHOTO COURTESY

Kitui Senator David Musila has resigned as a member and chairman of Wiper Democratic Party a day after he lost in the Wiper governorship nominations.

While speaking at his office  at Parliament buildings today Musila tendered his resignation letter and  blamed the Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka for  favoring his opponent Kitui governor Julius Malombe in the just concluded party primaries. Malomba emerged the winner after garnering 88,392 votes against Musila’s 74,308.

The senator claimed that he was the actual winner of the  party primaries after garnering a total of 81,234 votes against Malombe’s  70,899.

Musila added that he would consult with his supporters on whether to go for the seat as an independent candidate.

Musila’s resignations comes as the NASA coalition awaits to announce their flag bearer in the August polls.

