Most people do not use the mosquito nets, research reveals


Mombasa,KENYA:According to research made by the  Mombasa county health department, a large number of people found the use of mosquito nets of no importance to them which has led to prevalence of malaria cases  in the county.

Speaking to Jomvu residents on Tuesday,the Mombasa county health director Dr.Shem Pate said it pains to found people ignoring the use of mosquito nets to protect themselves.

‘The county government has tried its best in giving mosquito nets to the residents,surprisingly people don’t realize their importance,’he said.

Pate also added that the county government will continue issuing mosquito nets and he urged the residents to put into great importance the measures for preventing and curbing the spread of malaria.

He also insisted that the residents should take advantage of  the intiative free malaria medicalservices  given by the county government for their on benefit.

‘We are all aware that we get free malaria treatment,make sure you go for early medical check immediately you suspect malaria symptoms’said Pate.

In present was the malaria coordinator Mombasa county,Bi Fatmah Dume  mentioned Jomvu as  leading  in Mombasa in terms of malaria cases.

Fatmah also said Mvita is the area which records lower cases of malaria.

‘Mvita records low than 5 percent cases of malaria but Jomvu and Kisauni leads in high cases’she said.

The malaria coordinator also advised pregnant women to ensure they go for pre-natal  checkups regularly so ease to minimize the risk of infection.

World malaria Day was established by the world health organization,W.H.O with an aim of making investments and initializing the preventive and control measures against malaria.

The main theme for these year’s world health Day is end malaria for Good.

According to the Organisation,since 2000,malaria cases have decreased and this is through the use of mosquito nets and spraying of insecticides.

Statistics by the world health organization also shows that in the year 2015 there were 212 million  malaria cases globally  with 429,000 deaths world wide.

