Council  of governors sign  sh 6.8 billion irrigation deal

A man working at the Galana-Kulalu irrigation scheme in Kilifi and Tana river counties./FILE

Nairobi,KENYA:The Council of governors has signed a 6.8 billion deal to boost irrigation projects across   11 counties  in  the country .

During the signing ceremony which was graced by the Council of governors chair Peter Munya and agriculture principal secretary Dr Richard Lesiyampe,said the project  is set to benefit 11 counties which are  Tana River ,Machakos , Kajiado  Tana River,Tharaka Nithi, Nyeri, Meru , Muranga , Kitui and Bomet.

The project is expected to  enhance small scale farmers in the said counties and other irrigation projects.

The Kenyan government of Kenya will offer sh.600 million,  and other development partners including Africa Development bank will offer a loan of sh. 3.8 billion and global agriculture and food security program will grant sh 2.3 billion .

Speaking during the occasion the council of governors chair Peter Munya said that the expected outcome of the 6 year project will lead to an increased agricultural productivity in the project areas  and enhance market access for crops and livestock.

10,000 small scale farmers will benefit from  the project  which will  cover 3,000 acres of farmland.

