Senator Hassan Omar Accuses Governor Hassan Joho of manipulating Opinion Polls


Mombasa,KENYA:Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar has rubbished the recent opinion polls that gave Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho, an upper hand in the race for Mombasa governorship while placing him third.

Senator Sarai instead accused governor Joho of sponsoring the opinion polls.

Sarai claims that Joho hired mercenaries in the form of opinion companies such as TIFA and its managing director Maggie Ireri, to drive his agenda.

“My brother Joho will win any opinion poll that he pays for, but he will not win the main poll, opinion polls don’t get you re-elected”, said Sarai.

Senator Omar added that, that’s Joho’s technique to confuse the people of Mombasa.

He further accused TIFA of trying to file its profile by coming up with fake polls.

“Which professional agency will be launching an opinion poll and before that a hash tag has started way in advance” argued Sarai.

Sarai said the dynamics will shift fundamentally after the nomination when he will bring him {governor Joho}, in the development agenda in Mombasa.

However, governor Joho who spoke minutes before, during the Mombasa County CVE Action Plan Validation Conference at Mombasa Continental Resort, denied funding the polls but said if in case it’s true, he will be working to push his popularity to 95 percent.

“I did not initiate it, whoever did it, did it for reasons best known to them, but I am taking them positively and see how I can push to 95%”, said Joho.

The opinion poll results  released by pollster Trend and Insights for Africa –TIFA, revealed that  Joho will be re-elected by 68 percent  if election were to be held today, and Jubilee’s Suleiman Shahbal will get just 15 percent of the votes.

Senator Hassan Omar of Wiper Democratic Movement will get seven percent, Nyali Mp Hezron Awiti three percent while seven percent of the voters are yet to make a decision on who to vote for.

